nRF5 with CMake - Part 2: Porting the Makefile to CMake

Initial porting SDK files The starting point for the port is the SDK library, currently in the nordic folder. The first part is to convert the SDK files and defines into something CMake-compatible. This includes splitting out the main.c-file from the pure SDK-related files. As the Nordic SDK is already a blob of SDK_SRC and INC_FOLDERS, these lists of files can be converted into CMake lists using the set()-function. Note that CMake uses curly-brackets instead of parenthesis when referencing variables (in this case $(SDK_ROOT))....

May 14, 2023

nRF5 with CMake - Part 1: Setup and initial project

Motivation The nRF52 is one of the most widely used BLE MCUs. It’s cheap, has good documentation and is readily available. Developing for it has been kinda messy, though, compared to other BLE MCU manufacturers such as Texas Instruments or Silicon Labs. The primary IDE for it is Segger Embedded Studio, which in it’s defence has pretty good integration with the SDK through configuration files. Segger Embedded Studio, though, is not everyone’s cup of tea, nor is the development environment setup required....

April 10, 2023

Defensive BASH Programming

Preface This is a repost of Defensive BASH programming by Kfir Lavi from 2012-11-14. The original blog post has a tendency to go offline quite often. It is a set of Katas I regularly go back to when writing bash-scripts. Intro Here are my Katas for creating BASH programs that work. Nothing is new here, but from my experience pepole like to abuse BASH, forget computer science and create a Big ball of mud from their programs....

January 31, 2023